Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day 20 - Nicholas Moves In With Mom!!

So today started out pretty fast and furious with feedings for Nicholas and going through all the discharge steps with the NICU. I woke up this morning thinking I would have him in my room after the morning feeding, but one thing after another led to him not getting to my new room at the hospital until 2pm. But finally I had my little boy all to myself in my room where I could watch him when I wanted, hold him when I wanted and just get to know him more and more. Unfortunately it didn’t go as smooth as I had planned in my head. In the first three hours he had three very runny dirty diapers and lots of gas. Probably something I ate that was causing that. He couldn’t keep his temperature in the normal range so we couldn’t do a both again tonight which is the third night in a row he hadn’t had one. So I wrapped him in more blankets and the nurse added a warm pack to his Halo to help warm him up some so hopefully that will improve. I breastfed Nicholas all day (tonight will be the first night he will have to have formula, not enough reserves for his bottle feedings) and then his first bottle feeding for the day was quite scary. He was very hungry and just started gulping it down and forgot to breathe. I took the bottle out of his mouth as quick as possible to get him to breathe. He turned blue around his mouth, I blew air in his face and slowly, but surely he started to breathe again on his own. Good think Dave and I had Infant CPR training this week. I was going through the steps in my head ready to that if necessary. Thankfully it didn’t come to that, but it was pretty much the final sign I needed to say I’m not quite ready to take him home yet. The nurse took him for the next feeding and he was close to doing the same thing again so she is going to switch out the nipple to a slower flowing one and see if that helps. So hopefully the overnight feedings will go a little smoother. I’m quite tired today with so much going on and a bit of stress here and there, so I’m looking forward to heading off to bed now. I have some pictures to post from the day today, but I will get those out later tonight or tomorrow. Just too tired right now and he’ll be up in an hour to eat again anyways. =o) Thank you all again for all your thoughts, prayers, and the wonderful things that so many of you are doing for us! We greatly appreciate it all!


  1. Jackie, I pray for peace and comfort as you are making these final steps to bring Nicholas home! You do an excellent job with him and are so attentive to his needs! I am confident you will do fabulously! I pray God gives you the strength you need to take it one day at a time. I pray you are able to get some rest and enjoy your little man!

  2. hey jackie...when we did r rooming in i was in the middle of feeding aj and a nurse came running in and said what happened and i was like nothing and she said his heart rate went down to the 40s for a couple beats...that was r first bout with brady spells....the first words out of my mouth was i'm not talking him home tom....when we roomed in they shut off all the alarms in r room and the alarms would just go off at the nurses station so that scared me to i know its tough but just take ur time so u can feel completely comfortable when he gets home!
