Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 16 - 13 Sep 09 (a little late)

I’m a little late getting this entry in. Day 16 (13 Sep) was a busy day with me going home during the day to spend time with Dave and Madi and get things done around the house preparing for Nicholas’s arrival in possible the next week! Nicholas made it to the Halo (thick swaddler) and was actually too hot in his isolette so by the end of this day his isolette was down to 29 degrees Celsius and it has to be 28 before he gets moved. I told one of the nurses that I didn’t want to miss his “graduation” from the isolette so there is a note on Nicholas’s bed saying that Mom needs to be present for the move because she wants to capture the moment. =o) In the evening Nicholas’s heart rate got really high again. It was up in the 180s to 220. Dave and I were pretty worried about this, but again (like last week) he was perfectly calm and even sleeping. This seemed to start around 5pm or so and by the time I went down for the 11pm feeding his heart rate was normal again. They’ve let the doctor know and he’ll be taking a look at him in the morning to determine if Nicholas might have something going on with his heart or not. We’re praying, of course, for nothing at all. He’s just doing so well, I can’t imagine there being anything wrong at all. Nicholas has also done awesome with feeding over the last 24 hours. They took out his nose tube for feeding. Well, Nicholas actually kept pulling on it and they HAD to take it out, but they thought they would see how he did with feeding and they aren’t going to put another one in unless he doesn’t finish a feeding and needs it to be fed. So far he still has NO nose tube! Yeah!!! He’s feeding like a champion! So the goal for Monday is for him to be in an open air bed. I’m actually getting nervous that his car seat won’t get here before he goes home…but that’s good because it means we will hopefully have less than a week left of this.

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