Sunday, October 04, 2009

Madi's First Haircut

It is so nice to be home! Although I’m really missing those nurses who took care of Nicky when I wanted to just sleep. I’m beginning to miss those stretches of more than 2 hours of sleep, but it won’t last forever…maybe just another year of this?? Ha! No way, maybe just a few more weeks or a month before Nicky can sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time. He had quite a fussy night last night. Cried pretty hard when he was awake and had trouble settling. I’m hoping it was just some aches and pains from growing or some tummy gas. We’ll see how he does during the day today before calling the doctor about it. In the back of my head I keep hoping that he doesn’t end up with colic, but I’m believing this to not be true. =o) Madi got her first haircut this past week. It was a Mommy-Daughter evening out. I tried to talk up the haircut experience the whole way there (30 minutes in the car here). We got there and she just kind of checked things out while we waited for our turn. She did great! She even told the hairdresser when she was “All Done” and started to take off her smock. That was when she was getting her bangs cut. We were able to keep her there, making faces at herself and us in the mirror and holding different things like the spray bottle and comb. She was a trooper. So afterwards Mommy and Madi had dinner and ice cream then headed back home to be with the boys and show off her new haircut. Aunt Ree Ree (my sister Carrie) came up to visit on Saturday and got to see Nicholas for the first time out of the hospital. She lives down in Fargo now. She moved there a little less than a year after Madi was born and its been wonderful for me to have my sister so close and able to experience so many things with us. We are looking forward to more family visits this month!!

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